I had just been nominated to become a member of the Young Lawyer’s Association of Cebu (YLAC). As a nominee, I had been given an assignment to write an article about last week's YLAC legal aid activity which is to be included in the organization’s publication called the “Consiglier.” I love being nominated for YLAC because even if I don't get to be a member a get a funny tshirts. Here is my contribution to the publication which will come out by the end of June. The great President Ramon Magsaysay once wisely said “He who has less in life should have more in law.” I do not know if this has been achieved in our current judicial system. With high filing fees, slow movement of the judicial processes and a system that seems to work only for those who have more in life, I doubt that this gives justice to the often quoted saying of President Magsaysay.Despite the frustrations that one can encounter in practicing law, a group of young and energetic lawyers decided that president … [Read more...]