If you notice my blog is stripped bare and does not use to look as it did before. I am currently doing an “overhaul”of my blog. I apologize to all of my readers, advertisers, fans, entrecard droppers etc. for this inconvenience. Hopefully this "overhauling" will be completed this week. The reason for this overhauling is because Rob Schultz an SEO expert of truebluetitan.com, pointed out to me that my blog contains a lot of errors in the eyes of search engine bots. This might affect my search engine rankings including a rich user experience. I will write in detail about this later on in one of my posts. Some of the graphics, youtube videos and other stuff that I use to run in the front page are still deactivated. So do not be surprise if you click on posts that are empty. All of the archived posts are however working. However you might be interested to have your blog or website validated. Check out the Validator. Whew ! Validation is a painstaking work. I wish there was … [Read more...]