My mother-in-law called me up this morning and asked how she could prevent others to make a long distance moving call on her PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company) phone. I had no idea how to do it, so I researched the internet on what to do. I found out that these are the steps to lock the long distance feature of a PLDT phone. I am posting it here just in case others might find this information useful too. Take note that before you do this make sure your phone is set to “Tone mode” (By default all phones are set to tone mode) 1.) Press *85* and your present 4-digit code then press * and your new desired 4-digit code then press # Wait for the confirmation message or tone to know if your instruction has been accepted Note: The Initial 4 digit code is 1234. 2.) To lock: press *54* and your 4-digit code then press # 3.) To unlock: press #54* and your 4-digit code then press # If you encounter problems call 171 for assistance. … [Read more...]