I mentioned earlier that I will resume my blogging activities on the first week of April. But a post by Marghil at macuha.com, really intrigued me. He mentioned that a blogger named Eli discovered two interesting keyword. Those are the keywords Googel and Googol. Keywords are very important to bloggers because it will bring us more traffic. The more traffic you have the more page impressions you will have, the more chances of people clicking your ads and the more chances of you selling products. Whatever kind of commercial activities that a blogger is involved whether it is pay per click, pay per impression pay per visit, pay per whatsoever or selling affiliate products, the most important thing is the traffic. In short more traffic means more money. A blogger or a webmaster must ensure that he gets a lot of traffic especially traffic from the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, three of the world’s biggest search engines. When a computer user goes to google … [Read more...]