I received a question in my post entitled “Applying value investing in the Philippine stock market” and I wrote such a long response to the comment that I decided to turn it into a blog post. The question is as follows: “Im still a student and ive been searching for philippine large-cap value stocks.. we have a project on constructing a financial portfolio just wanna ask if whats the best valuation method to determine if a stock is a value stock? and how are the phil stocks classified into large cap, or small cap? US has this $5 billion range ive been looking for that same sort of classification applicable to the phils . . .” - Enji My response is as follows: Dear Enji, It seems that you have two questions here. The first one is concerning classification by Market Capitalization in the Philippine stock exchange and secondly is with regards to the best valuation method to determine “value stocks” in the Philippine stock exchange. I do not dub myself as an expert, but let me … [Read more...]