This article probably starts my series of pointing out several doctrinal errors that some Baptist churches and even my own church still lovingly cling to. When pastors from my church will read this, I will probably be ex-communicated or something. They will probably hate me for what I am about to say. Anyway before I start bashing some doctrinal errors that Baptist churches lovingly hold allow me to explain why I am doing, what will be doing. First of all, I am a Baptist. I still am, despite the fact that I have already been regularly attending a “non-denominational” church. I have not renounced my membership nor have I transferred membership. Not yet. Secondly, I believe that the Baptist church has been used by God mightily throughout the centuries in winning people to Christ, evangelizing the world and doing a lot of mighty and wonderful things in the name of God. Thirdly, although some may disagree with me, the Baptist has the most unique church history among all … [Read more...]