This is the last and final installment of the series “Advice for the bar examinee.” In part 1 & part 2 of the series Prof. Riguera gave some very interesting tips on what to do before the bar examinations. Now he concludes this series by discussing what to do the night before, during the bar exams and after the bar exams. DURING SEPTEMBER AND THE BAR EXAM AVOID UNNECESSARY STRESS AND DISTRACTIONS. Some stress and nerves is unavoidable during the 7-dfbx review and exam week and in fact helps to drive you harder in your studies. However undue and excessive stress and nerves is an enemy of the bar examinee as it results in a lack of sleep and hinders proper thinking both while studying and taking the exam itself. If you feel that you are unduly stressed or worried, learn relaxation techniques like yoga and deep breathing. Prayer and meditation are powerful relaxation techniques. Learning to face and accept the possibility of failure also serves to relax us and unburden us of … [Read more...]