As early as last year, there has been widespread discussion on the internet about artificial intelligence potentially replacing lawyers and even judges. Honestly, I’m no longer surprised. Many jobs are already being taken over by robots, and it’s only a matter of time before this becomes reality. In light of this, I’ve decided to shift careers by enrolling in a bachelor’s degree in computer science and sharing all my “lawyering” secrets. Kidding aside, even without artificial intelligence, the internet has, in many ways, been replacing lawyers. Instead of visiting a lawyer’s office for advice, many people simply turn to a Google search. Technology is truly transforming numerous industries and professions. One of the most common legal topics people search for online is legal forms. Documents like contracts, affidavits, and other legal forms can now be easily downloaded from the internet. So, is that it? Just download a lease contract online, and you’re done? Kidding again! … [Read more...]
A Critique of Brian Abasciano’s Corporate Election Theory
Do you agree with Brian Abasciano's corporate election theory? Why or why not? With regards to corporate election, well of course there is such a thing as corporate election (church, nation) and yes, definitely there is individual election. Even Dr. Abasciano acknowledges this as you quoted above. However I do not subscribe to Dr. Abasciano’s view because for the following reasons:1.) Dr. Abasciano engages in word play, argues on semantics and argues fallaciously – No matter how he states it either way, the group and the individual are inseparable. There is no group without the individual, no “ekklesia” without the “called out ones.” His insistence on somehow drawing a fine line between corporate election and individual election borders on committing the fallacy of equivocation. Trying to make a distinction when there should be none and then saying that both views are logically coherent, borders on the fallacy of circular reasoning. Of course, it is logically coherent because … [Read more...]
Why you should enroll in the Street Strategist Accounting and Finance seminar – Part 1
I’ve been promoting the Street Strategist Accounting and Finance short course for the past few post, not only because I believe it’s the best seminar on accounting and finance out there, but because it is very affordable and comprehensive. Here are some convincing reasons why you should attend the seminar: 1.) Essential component of any wholistic Management Development Program (MDP) This Accounting and Financial Literacy program (shortened to Financial Literacy Program or FLP) is an essential component of any MDP, in the same manner as we provide them training for customer service, team building, or salesmanship. 2.) Preventing problems vs. solving problems Is your manager solving problems? Or, is he preventing problems? This is very important. The manager who does not see the entire picture will solve the problems as they come. This is what happens when people with no financial background operate a complex financial system. However, the manager who has a better … [Read more...]
Island for sale located in Olango, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Philippines
Aside from its warm hospitable people, its being know as the queen city of the south, Cebu is also best known for its white sand beaches in the main island and the islands that are part of Cebu. The Philippines is an archipelago with more than 7,000 islands. Some of these islands are for sale. With pristine white beaches and crystal clear waters this could be the island paradise you have always dreamt of retiring inand enjoy your electronic book! The problem with some of these islands is that they are quite far from the main land and will probably take several minutes or even hours to reach making logistics a problem. However there are some islands that are for sale that are near the mainland. One of these is Babag island, located in San Vicente, Olango. This 16,856 square meter titled property is owned by my grandfather, Atty. Silvino Maceren. Babag island is only a short 15-20 minute pumpboat ride from Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. Another 15 to 20 minutes and … [Read more...]
For those who would like to know more about how to invest in the Philippine stock market
I've been an advocate of stock market investing. When I was in High School, I dreamed of doing two things as a career, making money in the internet and making money in stocks. I love to do this because I can choose to stay home all day or travel a lot. I can only do it of course, if my main source of income is the above two. Said dream has somehow come true but I am only doing both part time. My main source of income are still what I call "traditional" sources. (Read office work) Hopefully someday, I'll do both full time and by God's grace I am slowly getting there. Anyway, there are many ways to learn how to invest in stocks. You can read books or blogs. I've written about stock market investing in my stock market investing blog and you can check it out at One of the best ways to learn stock market investing fast is of course by attending a seminar. There are lots of stock market investing seminars out there and you can check it out in the … [Read more...]
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