I apologize that it took me quite a long while to wrap up this series. Part 2 of Ten myths of stock market investing was made available last October 2021. It took me some time to come up with Part 3 ! The reason was not because it took me a while to figure out what the other four myths were. The reason was that I became so busy with my other roles, especially with regards to my responsibilities in the academe. Now that all of my deadlines are done, here are the next two myths of stock market investing. 7.)Stock market investing is risky In anything that we do in this world, we take a certain kind of risk. Day to day activities like simply crossing the street or trusting that the food you eat or the water you drink will not make you sick do require that we take some kind of acceptable risk. Well admittedly, there is a certain risk involved when investing in the stock market however the risk I am talking about is not the same kind of risk that most people think. If you … [Read more...]
Is election unto salvation corporate or individual ?
Being a staunch 5 point Calvinist I frequently come across statements in my interaction with non-Calvinist. Since it takes me a while to write a response to them, I have decided to turn my responses into blogpost. Here is a statement from my a dear brother with regards to whether election to salvation is corporate or is it individual and below is my response STATEMENT: I agree with your statement that the doctrine of election can be found all over Scriptures but I don't think that individual election to salvation is taught in the Bible. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not an Arminian. I have problems with the Arminian view of Eternal Security so I don't consider myself to be one. So I'm neither. I go with what the Bible teaches. I have read a lot about this issue and had been thinking which side is correct. Finally, I came to the conclusion that Calvinism is not taught in the Bible. Though I won't say I'm that knowledgeable about it since I only do personal study and don't … [Read more...]
Response to KJV Only arguments on Proverbs 30:28
Here once again is another response to a non-sensical, illogical argument made by KJV onlyist that only the KJV got the translation right in Proverbs 30:28. "empirical evidence" ? What evidence is he talking about ? hmmmm…. Dealing with this kind of twisted logic is such a waste of time, but I won’t let this get away so that everybody may know how the KJV Only camp employs twisted kind of logic such as this just to prove something. Let this be a showcase of KJV Onlyisms sick logic. The argument of the above meme can be presented syllogistically as follows: Argument 1: Premise 1: There are 1 million spiders per acre of land on earth Premise 2: 100% of homes in North Carolina has spiders in them Conclusion : It is easy for Kings to have a lizard free palace, but not so for spiders as EVERYBODY HAS HOUSE SPIDERS. Not everybody has house lizards. Argument 2: Premise 1: Everybody has house spiders Premise 2: Not everybody has house lizards Conclusion: The King … [Read more...]
Response to KJV onlyist arguments on Proverbs 18:18
In my usual interaction with KJV onlyist online, I saw this (once again very annoying and misinformed) meme alleging that the New King James Version is a defective translation as opposed to the King James Version. The problem issue is actually with the Hebrew word “laham” (לָהַם)This Hebrew word could either mean to burn in, ranke – wound or could mean swallow greedily, swallowed, dainties, delicacies, choice morsels, dainty morsels. As in any word with multiple meanings, context is therefore the key to drawing out the right meaning of this word in this particular context. The verse says “Prov. 18:8 The words of a talebearer are like ___________, And they go down into the inmost body.” Now which would make sense ? Wounds going down into the inmost body or dainties, delicacies, choice morsels, dainty morsels ? Take note that whatever is likened to is likened to the “words of the talebearer.” Obviously, dainties, delicacies, choice morsels, dainty … [Read more...]
Ten myths of stock market investing – Part 2
Last time in the “Ten myths of stock market investing – Part 1” I discussed the top three myths in stock market investing and cited that these reasons are probably why people don’t invest in the stock market. I have successfully debunked those myths, so we continue today with the next 3 myths. 4.) The stock market is manipulated This is my brother’s favorite excuse. I don’t blame him; the truth is that despite strict and tight regulations; there are still stock manipulations that had happened in history and in stock markets all over the world. However take note that if you study the stock manipulations that has happened in history, you will discover that these only refers to individual stocks and not the entire market. Also most of these stocks are stocks of company that seem to pop out of nowhere, had little or no history of being profitable and yet people bought them based on rumors. So even if there are stock manipulations that have happened this does not mean that the … [Read more...]