I’ve been promoting the Street Strategist Accounting and Finance short course for the past few post, not only because I believe its the best seminar on accounting and finance out there, but because it is very affordable and comprehensive. This is part 3 giving you some convincing reasons why you should attend the seminar. Click here for “Part 1 of Why you should enroll in the Street Strategist Accounting and Finance seminar” Click here for “Why you should enroll in the Street Strategist Accounting and Finance seminar – Part 2”
12.) Deepening of management bench
At what time do you prepare your managers for empowerment, confidence, and knowledge to help in
planning innovations, improving systems and designing efficient procedures for their divisions? Do you prepare them at the exact moment that you need their ideas, or do you prepare them months or years beforehand so that they will have time to practice, apply, and contemplate on their new skills? To deepen then management bench, the sooner you equip them, the better.
13.) Morale
Trainings, seminars, and skills development boost the esprit de corps of the company. The employees develop a strengthened sense of loyalty, dedication, and passion. (Please read the written feedback of the Area Managers and Regional Managers who felt grateful to the company for making them attend the FLP seminars in Feb.)
14.) Reducing manpower turnover
Manpower turnover is a reality. Take the case of the call centers. They pay high but the turnover is
still rapid. How do they address this issue? Their HRD design a series of skill enriching seminars and workshops to improve the employees skills, to reduce boredom, to boost morale. And this FLP course is one such value-added skill enrichment that gives them a mental challenge and making them feel the that company also cares about their personal growth.
15.) Strategic Planning Sessions
Strategic planning should not only come from top management. Ideas should also rise from the
bottom to the top. But how can line managers contribute if they have no idea what the overall process
of planning is all about? This FLP course provides illustrations of what they could be doing if they were the CEO or CFO of a company. The financial analysis segment illustrates what the different aspects of running a business (inventory, cash flow, operating expenses, depreciation, and many more..)
16.) Long term benefits: Training today for tomorrow’s benefit
This FLP should be not evaluated on any instant result alone. Of course, there are instant results: In just two days, they will know how to debit and credit with (perfect accuracy!), they will know the three basic financial statements, they will know how to analyze the Statement of Cash Flow, how to identify source and uses of cash, to analyze the financial ratios etc.. But in addition to these core skills, there is a long term benefit. Over the next few years, they will be able to apply or enhance their financial analysis skills, they will have a better understanding of how a business is run, and therefore they will be able to contribute to the planning process. These are long term benefits.
17.) Future diversification
What will be this company five years from now? And where will you get a loyal and trusted management team? The company may diversify and yet the core skills of financial and accounting literacy will be the same in the new business.
18.) Listing on the stock exchange?
If the company plans to list on the stock exchange in the next five years, when do we start to improve
the quality of management? Today? Or, only on the year of listing?
19.) Designed for the non-accountant
This Financial Literacy Program (FLP) was designed from the ground up for the non-accountant by a
Interested to enroll ? Email the Street Strategist for the schedule of the latest seminars at streetstrategistconsultingNOSPAM@gmail.com (Please remove NOSPAM to reveal the true email address) In house company seminars are also accepted. Enroll now instead of buying Arai helmets.
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