A polymath will probably have no problem expanding his/her comfort zone considering that polymaths are life long learners and embraces new experiences just to gain knowledge and apply it.
However not all polymaths are made equal. Some polymaths only utilize one or a few modes of learning in to absorb knowledge. In this way a polymath stays in his “comfort zone.” Staying in your comfort zone always limits anybody. A polymath is such because he/she thinks out of the box hence it is always best for polymaths to find a way to expand his/her comfort zone.

As a polymath if you want to expand the modes of exploration of your learning it might be best to expand your comfornt zone. You may have noticed that’s a scary place to be. But there are ways to expand your comfort zone gently. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you complete the journey.
1. Take it slow, start slowly – It’s the bigger changes that tend to stimulate feelings of discomfort. The thought of doing 50 pushups for the first time in five years is daunting. The thought of doing one isn’t a problem. Create small changes and then increase those changes over time. This is a great way to keep discomfort at bay.
2. Try eating something new – Most of us are a little hesitant to try a new food, but it’s a non-threatening way to stretch your comfort zone. Try a new restaurant or a new fruit from the grocery store.
3. Read something completely different than what you usually read – If you’re a man, a book on feminism might be just the ticket. If you’re Christian, a book on other religions might shake things up a bit. Read something you would ordinarily never read.
4. Take a new route to work – Better yet, don’t look at google maps beforehand. Follow your instincts and see where you end up.
5. Fast – Unplug for an entire day – Turn off your phone, the internet, and the television. This will be more uncomfortable than you think.
6. Try sitting in a different place – Sit on the couch instead of your favorite chair. Choose a different seat at the dining table.
7. Try talking to a stranger. It doesn’t have to be a twenty-minute affair – If you can maintain a conversation for 30 seconds, consider yourself successful. There are plenty of people in the world available for practice. Just remember not to act to weird, somebody might get creeped out.
8. Ask your boss to give you a review – Tell your boss you’d like to sit down with him and review your performance. It might do wonders for your career and will stretch your comfort zone.
9. Try applying for a new job that’s a step up from your current position – You might feel like a bit of an imposter, but that’s okay. Worst case? You might get the position and a new career. Your bank account might even benefit.
10. Call someone you haven’t spoken to for at least six months – Just pick up the phone and do it. You’ll feel great about it afterwards.
11. Travel – Out of the country preferably. If you’ve never travelled outside your home country, you might be in for quite a shock. The food, people, and culture can all be different. Apply for a passport and consider where you’d like to visit.
12. Pump up the adrenaline – Tackle something that makes you a little fearful. Go skydiving or ride a roller coaster. Give a speech. Take a dance class.
13. Meditate, sit by yourself in silence – This can be tougher than you think. Turn off all your devices and just sit alone with yourself. Avoid allowing yourself to daydream. Just stay with yourself for at least 30 minutes.
Expanding your comfort zone opens up numerous possibilities as a polymath. Think about how your life would change if your comfort zone were larger. It’s possible to accomplish this without the pain you might imagine. Stretch your comfort zone a little each day and you will find out that you will accomplish more and become more than you are as a polymath.

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