Being a polymath is not just about balancing all of your passions and interest, it is also achieving a perfect balance in all areas of you life. If want to have perfect balance in your life and want to enhance your health, brain, social life, and mood you should try to laugh some more as studies has shown that having a good sense of humor brings about myriad of benefits in your life. While it is true that the passions we pursue as polymaths are very serious indeed, there are times that we need to let go of being serious and laugh from time to time as this has incredible benefits to our body and maintaining overall balance in life. So here are some advantages to humor and laughter.
1. Strengthens your immune system – I don’t need to cite the particular study, just google it and you can see that indeed a lot of Studies have shown that laughing strengthens the immune system. Laughter is great for your heart and brain as it lowers your blood pressure.
2. Sexy – Who doesn’t like a guy or gal that has a good sense of humor? Humor can help break off the ice during initial conversations. People are naturally attracted to other people who can make them laugh. You will find that the people who can make other laugh a lot are often those who have many friends.
3. Stress Reducer – Stressed out in your job or schooling? Find something to do that could make you laugh. Life nowadays is indeed very stressful. There so much opportunities and so much to do! While it is true that there are many ways to relieve stress, laughter is one of the best ways to relieve yourself of stress. There are many things to laugh about. We shouldn’t take life to seriously, laugh about your mistakes, your past experiences and life in general. Forget about the serious stuff for a while. De-stress and just laugh out aloud. It will uplift your mood as it feels good to laugh, and that good feelings can probably last for hours. Humor can also redirect your focus from the negative thoughts to something more positive an enjoyable
4. Social life Enhancer – Trying to find the right life partner or want to make new friends ? Then make people laugh. Humor is critical in breaking the ice between somebody you have just first met. Look around you and see people who are popular, you’ll find out that they have a great sense of humor.
5. Surrounding people around you gets benefited – All our actions always has an impact on those around us. When we are in a bad mood, it negatively impacts others. I’m sure you have experienced feeling good when somebody greets you with your smile, and you exactly feel the opposite if you are greeted with a frowning face. Smiling at others and having a happy face and a happy mood will certainly brighten the mode of people around you.
6. Strengthen your relationships. – Laughing brings you closer to people whom you have a relationship with. You will find that if you have a sense of humor, people around you will feel more relax and will open up more to you since they will know that you have a lighter side to you.
7. Smarter – Google it, you will find that laughing stimulates the learning centers of the brain. While laughing a lot is not guaranteed to land you in the world’s best universities, it certainly will help stimulate areas on your brain that are centers of learning. When stimulated on a regular basis, it will enhance your ability to learn new information.
Having known the benefits of laughter, polymaths, take a break from the seriousness of your project and find something to laugh about. Don’t overdo it though! People might find you too weird and you might end up in a mental institution instead hahahahaha !
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