Last November, this blog turned 2 years old! Unfortunately I was not able to write about it because as I mentioned in my post entitled “I’m back” I had been busy wearing my other hats.
Anyway, first of all I want to greet everybody a happy near year! What a great time to reflect and look at what we have accomplished in terms of this blog for the year 2009. It is also a great year to look forward and set new goals. This will sort of become my “SOMBA” – State of my blog Address.
As I said in the post entitled “Making an Electronic media kit,” I have somewhat summarized the recent accomplishments of this blog so this SOMBA will be short and so will be the next succeeding ones since I will be incorporating the details of the milestones that this blog has reached or will be reaching in the yearly electronic media kit that I will be releasing.
Looking back, in “Guerilla blogging turns 1,” which I wrote in November 2008, I mentioned 7 goals there that I was planning to accomplish in 2009. Well by God’s grace I am happy and satisfied that I accomplished 4 out of those 7. (Not bad! although I secretly wished I accomplished all of them hehehe… who doesn’t !) Let me give review those goals and give the details on each one.
1.) Break the 100 “resistance level” for – At the first part of the year and at least land in the level 50 spot at the end of the year. – I have broken the 100 resistance level. This blog is currently somewhere in the 50 to 70 spot in ratified. There was a time in 2009 that I went below the 50th spot. Unfortunately, I have not given so much attention to blogging in 2009 so I was not able to maintain it.
2.) Increase daily traffic to an average of 300 to 500 per day – Somehow I have managed to hover over the 300 level with occasional spikes.
3.) Triple current earnings – Well I am pleased that I made it despite taking a long blogging hiatus. This is taking into consideration all online income streams including other blogs.
4.) Update our ebook – Sadly this one hasn’t been accomplished, I had a very busy time during the last quarter of 2009.
5.) Increase P.R ranking to 4 – Nope, I didn’t get this in 2009. But I feel I am going there.
6.) Double number of links – Links have gone down, but I am going back to building it again.
7.) Triple average number of feed subscribers – This has increased 5x !
With that in mind, let me say that I have resolved that 2010 is gonna be different. I won’t be sitting around in comfortably snuggling my patio furniture cushions. I’ll be working hard in my blogging career ! Here are my goals for this blog (unless otherwise indicated) in 2010.
1.) Place in the top 50 for ratified
2.) Traffic target is 1000 per day
3.) Double current earnings (for all income streams and all blogs)
4.) Finally finish our ebook and hopefully write another one (different subject)
5.) Increase P.R ranking to 4 (5 would be good though heheehhe)
6.) Increase back links to about 3000
7.) Reach the 2000 mark for feed subscribers
8.) I also plan to expand my online income stream by opening other “auto-pilot” blogs.
9.) Build up my main niche blog (
10.) Join more blogging contest ! (I missed out a lot last year !)
Hopefully, I won’t get busy wearing my other hats in 2010. I look forward to a prosperous blogging year 2010 ! Let the Tiger roll out of the cage this year of the Tiger ! GrowlRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr . . .

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