People are searching the internet for free credit card numbers. I’m sure the reason why people do this is because they want to use it for “evil” reasons that is to buy stuff online which they want other people to pay.
I’m sure there is a certain program that could generate credit card numbers. After all it is just a set of numbers and its just mathematics that is involved. Unfortunately I am not a genius in math, and I am not also into deep computer programming. So I will show you how to get a real, genuine, valid and free credit card numbers without crunching a lot of numbers. I can think of only three ways how to do this.
1.) Apply for several credit cards – Now isn’t that easy and convenient! You apply for a credit card and you a credit card number ! Very logical indeed! Can you see the genius behind this? hehehehehe. . . . You might say, don’t credit card companies charge you for an annual fee? Sure they do. But what you just do is that when the card is about to expire, just call them up and say, you want to give up the credit card because you found another company that gives you free annual fees or make up another lame excuse just to waive the annual fee, and viola ! They will waive the annual fees. So you get it for free !
2.) Borrow your friend’s or relative’s credit card – What an amazing idea ! You don’t have to apply for a credit card or call to waive annual fees. You just call a friend or your relative and borrow their credit card. Of course make sure you pay them back for whatever you might have used to purchase using their credit cards.
3.) Make one up – Now this one requires some number crunching, but just a little bit. The blogger over at “Money, Matter, and More Musings” wrote about this and his article about generating credit card numbers seems an interesting read. It seems that by using a method called the Luhn check or the Mod 10 check, you might very well be able to generate “valid” credit card numbers. A foot note though, the title of this post is “How To Generate *Valid* Credit Card Numbers.” Meaning you only get valid credit card numbers, but it not a working one. (Notice the subtle differences? Genius!)
So thats it! Pretty simple eh? If you are really serious about this, I highly recommend suggest number 1. Just make sure you don’t end up having a pile of credit card debt. But if you already do have a pile of credit card debt, I suggest you read my post on “How to get rid of credit card debt” and “How to use to Rule of 72 to wisely manage debt.” If you can’t still can’t get a credit card number through the methods I have outlined that perhaps you could get a credit report. hehehehe
Ta . .Ta . . . Au Revoir.

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