Recently I was contacted by 3 potential advertisers for this site. One of them asked for a media kit. I had no idea what a media kit was so I googled to try to find out what it is all about.
According to, a media kit, otherwise known as a “press kit” is “a package of news and background information that is distributed to members of the media to build buzz about your product, service or event. The information in this kit will help give a reporter story ideas.”
So basically a media kit is just a marketing tool that will help market your product or service. This marketing tool is directed towards the press.
An electronic media kit is of course just a media kit in electronic format, usually a .pdf file. This is much cheaper, cheaper of course than cheap auto insurance, as you can just email it. Try checking out the web, you will see that most media organizations have electronic media kits.
Several sites gives ideas on how to make a media kit just try googling it.
For my media kit, I made one up using open office. I then converted it to .pdf using the Open Office “convert to .pdf” feature. (Click on “File” then “Export to .PDF) I included stuff from Google analytics, wordpress statistics and included some blog pictures etc. I wanted to spice it up more, but I decided to keep it simple. Next year’s media kit will probably be nicer. (Not that this is not nice hehehehe) Hopefully my media kit will help attract more advertisers. LOL
I usually make a “year ender” for this blog, but in this case since I have summarized it in the media kit it will serve as the year ender. Starting from this year this will regularly serve as my “year ender.”
With regards to my “goals” as stated in my SOMBA (State of My Blog Address) in the post entitled, “Guerilla Blogging turns 1, ”I have reached 5 out of 7 of those goals. (Not bad !) I will be giving a full report in my Guerilla blogging turns 2 ! SOMBA.
You can click here to view or download the media kit of

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