Willie Revillame suspended for his reaction to Cory Aquino’s burial ? I don’t believe it. In fact ABS-CBN denies it and says that Willie Revillame asked for 2 weeks of orlando vacations.
If indeed Willie Revillame is suspended, I think it is very unjust of ABS-CBN to do that to him. In fact as I said in my post entitled “In defense of Willie Revillame’s reaction to Cory Aquino’s burial” I believe that Willie Revillame should even be commended for what he did. Whoever is in charge of production or traffic at that time that showed the burial procession with Wowowee should be the one that should be suspended.
People are just making a mountain out of a molehill. They are so “outraged” by their misinterpretation of Willie Revillame’s statement. The MTCRB has joined in the craze and said that Willie Revillame violated their code of ethics. (What violation ? They should listen word for word what he is trying to say) There’s an online petition to “oust” him from the show. (Don’t these people have anything else better to do ?)The Aquino family has already accepted his apologies. In fact Ninoy Aquino said that he accepted Willie’s statement at face value that is that the intention of Willie Revillame was to honor and not to pay disrespect to our beloved late president, Corazon Aquino.
Anyway, I don’t believe that Willie Revillame suspended, I believe he is just taking a break from all of the controversies hounding him.

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Willie should be praised for what he did? What planet did you come from my friend. I think you have your priorities all mixed up. Or are you under the payroll of Kupsi Willie?
willy’s puppy!!!!basahin mo na lang ang sentimyento ng sambaayanang pilipino…siguro di ka naman manhid para maramdaman ito
pinoysaUS: Not at all times that the crowd is correct. It does necessarily follow that you are wrong if you think contrary to what the collective opinion of the majority is.
**** Are you one of those that get paid by Willy to write this shitty article? C’mon, he is so frigging arrogant, egoistic, dirty old man who exploit poor people in his show. (Comment edited)
R.Ronquillo: This is a free country. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion.
willie revillame is plain SCREW UP IN THE BRAIN..
meaning in tagalog ======>>> MANIANKIS
After watching the episode. i think there is nothing wrong on what he said. i think he’s trying to say is.. why not just aire the funeral and cut the wowowee show in respect to tita cory. or if you want me to continue to aire wowowee. of course don’t show the funeral as this is more dis-respectful.
I only watch wowowee because of willie. and i hope it’s true that he’s not on aire because he took his 2 weeks leave.