Last Friday, August 21, 2009 we remember the 26th death anniversary of one of our beloved modern day national heroes, Ninoy Aquino.
The commemoration of the death anniversary of Ninoy Aquino continues the “Yellow Fever” that has been spreading in the country because of the recent death of Cory Aquino, our beloved president, the mother of our democracy and most of all Ninoy Aquino’s wife.
In honor of Ninoy Aqino, I have written several post in his honor, the first being “My top ten favorite Ninoy Aquino Quotes” and then followed by the post “Ninoy Aquino is alive” which gives a little bit of history into his life and the significance of his heroic acts and deeds. In that post I mentioned that Ninoy Aquino is alive, and he lives within each and every Filipino who continues to do the same thing that Ninoy Aquino does and that is sacrificing for our country. We do not need to die for the country, all we need to do is contribute to nation building in our own little way by simply being good Filipino citizens, being proud of our country and doing good to our fellow country men. At the end of that post I featured a youtube video. I came across this youtube vide while I was searching for some Ninoy Aquino materials. I was then led to a site called IAMNINOY.COM.
I was surprised upon learning that the “I AM NINOY” movement was launched just last year, 1998 in commemoration of Ninoy Aquino’s 25th death anniversary. I have never heard of this movement or of this website. The idea is brilliant, the video presentations are superb, the site’s graphics is stunning and the music is fantastic. However I am really surprised that I, being a heavy internet user, a frequent T.V watcher and a regular newspaper reader have not even heard about this until now.
The idea behind the movement is simple, that is to let today’s generation see through Ninoy’s eyes and let his spirit live in each of us. As Ninoy Aquino believed in what is right, believed in what is good, fought for justice and freedom, so should each and every individual Filipino. If we believe in what is right and good and fight for justice and freedom, we become a Ninoy Aquino. In a sense we also become a hero just like him. We do not have to die for the country; we can become a Ninoy Aquino in our own way.
I hope that this movement will continue and that they will still maintain the site. I also strongly suggest that the movement utilize web 2.0 technologies to further promote the movement. Putting up a forum in the site will also promote more interaction among site visitors and will help promote the site. Although there is already information about Ninoy Aquino in the site, they can make it more informative by making it a rich source of all that is Ninoy Aquino.
There are several retail partners wherein you can buy “IAMNINOY” items. Buying an IAMNINOY item lets you contribute to various charities. However I suggest that an online shop should be put up to sell these items including selling Ninoy Aquino memorabilia, collector’s items, novelty items, shirts, bags etc. and of course to conduct free online auctions This might also be helpful to promote the movement and help raise more money for the various charities that promote the ideals of Ninoy.
Another idea to promote the movement is that they can give an “IAMNINOY” award every year to outstanding Filipino citizens that promotes and practices the ideals of Ninoy Aquino.
The IAMNINOY.COM movement is a good cause and it should be further enhanced and promoted in order that today’s generation may not forget the heroic deeds that Ninoy Aquino contributed in order that democracy may be restored to our mother land.
To learn more about the movement visit site. You can also watch the youtube promotional vide below. If you are a blogger, help promote the movement by blogging about this. I am Ninoy Aquino, are you one of us ?
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John Paul Paquibot says
I like the video i am ninoy … thanks for the video.. the people are saying there are ninoy in everyone of us and after 25 years .. its time..
People…time … 25 years…
if you look at the words .. it is People and time… what people are doing within the 25 years..
that’s the question
zigfred says
John Paul: Yep ! I love the campaign. It stirs up nationalism and heroism in us. I hope every Filipino feels the same way too !
jonathan says
hello sir,, i like the campaign.. may i know what font did they used in iamninoy.???
zigfred says
jonathan: I am not really sure. I am not connected with iamninoy I just wrote an article and they linked it with my blog 🙂