Last November 27, 2008,, celebrated its first blog anniversary. I didn’t get to blog about it during that time so I will be giving my “SOMBA” now. (State of my blog address)
Unlike other blogs, I am sorry that I will not yet be giving any big prices to celebrate guerilla blogging’s first year anniversary. Perhaps I will during next year’s anniversary or how about during this blog’s silver anniversary. (25 years? Whahahahaha !!)
All I am giving away now is two 1 hour ISP BONANZA prepaid dial-up internet cards I got for free from Toy Kingdom. To get the card, all you have to do is comment on this post. First person to comment on this post gets the two cards. I had been really reluctant to give this card away considering that most people already have DSL. I don’t know what to do with this prepaid internet card so I might as well give it away. Who knows? You might have a relative or a friend who might who wants this card. (Take note this prepaid internet card can only be used in Metro Manila, card expiry date is on December 31, 2008)
Traffic has risen slowly and steadily to an average of about 4500 to 6000 views per month. This is about 150 to 200+ per day with occasional spikes. Unique visitors per day average about 75 to 100 per day.
About 70 % of the traffic is organic (Comes from the search engines) 20 % are direct while 10 % comes from referrals. The high search engine traffic is most likely a result of ambushing HITLOD keywords.
Source of traffic by geography has been visited by visitors from over 113 countries. About 50 % of visitors comes from the Philippines, 30 % from the United States and Canada, 10% from the United Kingdom while the remaining 10 % are evenly distributed from other countries mainly, India, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates etc.
Blog Income
Blog income has risen slowly but steadily. It may not yet be as big as what the pros are earning per month but is somewhat satisfactory and substantial.
Ranking in the Blogsphere has ranked in the 150th (+ -)position from 300+ since the blog was ratified on October 2008 (This is out of more than 700 Philippine blogs) Alexa ranking is in the 700,000++ level and Technorati is at 17,000+. used to hold a P.R ranking of 3 for several months. However recent changes in Google P.R ranking, dropped guerilla blogging’s page rank to 2.
BLOG “QUALITATIVE” PERFORMANCE has a total of 235 posts and 565 comments. It has an average of about 70 subscribers. So far, this is the second wordpress theme used by the blog with the second theme being tweaked to conform to its new “Guerilla blogging” identity. The explanation as to why the existing “Guerilla blogging” motto, logo and colors has been used is found in our very own guerilla blogging ebook co-authored with veteran guerilla problogger, Marghil Macuha entitled as “Guerilla Blogger’s strategy and tactics on how to make cash online”
Other blogging perks
Aside from enjoying attending blogging events and meeting new friends through blogging, In my one year of blogging, I won a free round trip ticket through the Cebu Pacific blogging challenge. I also won P 500 from Nuffnang. This time, “The Plasma T.V that blogging bought ?” has not become just a wish but a reality since I used part of what I earned through blogging in buying not just a tv stand but a real flat t.v with a home theater
Guerilla blogging goals for next year are the following:
1.) Break the 100 “resistance level” for at the first part of the year and at least land in the level 50 spot at the end of the year.
2.) Increase daily traffic to an average of 300 to 500 per day.
3.) Triple current earnings.
4.) Update our ebook.
5.) Increase P.R ranking to 4.
6.) Double number of links (Currently more than 1500)
7.) Triple average number of feed subscribers

You may also want to visit my other blogs. Click here to learn more about great travel ideas.
Congratulations Sir!!!, btw gi-unsa na nimo ang imo site statistics? is that built in w/ wordpress? or u got that from a site?
Iggy: Thanks ! The first graph is from word press. The map is from google analytics the income graph is something I made from MS WORD.
By the way, congrats, you won the free internet card. To get the card adto-a lang ko CIT klase nako TTH 6 to 7:30 p.m room 310.
happy blogsary! kayang kaya mo kunin yang mga goal na yan. just keep on hijacking.
Marhgil: Thanks ! Salamt din sa lahat nang tinitoro mong techniques
congrats on the milestone, Zigfed! happy blog anniversary!
ceblogger: Thanks !
Congratulations Atty. Zigfred! Now that your blog is 1 year older, beat you goals and look forward for a better blogging future!
Kevin: hahahah I like that ! Oras na ! Guerilla na ! Pa huwam ha ? heheheheh Thanks for the congratulations
Congrats the blog is great!
Hi Sir,
I’m interested about earning through blogs. How do I go about it? I’m a bit tech-challenged so i dont really know how. hope to hear from you. thanks =)
Hi Tina,
Glad to help you out. First of all, let me introduce you to our very own ebook, “Guerilla bloggers’ strategy and tactics on how to make cash online.” To download it, follow the instruction in this link:
If you have further questions contact me. Cheers !
Hello ZDiaz. I am a new blogger. I encountered one particular difficulty in blogging and that is writing. Although my thoughts are for me exceptional, my writings are far from good. This old post of yours give me some inspiration. Now is 2009, I am sure your changes significantly.
RTFVerterra: Hi there ! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m glad that I have become an inspiration to you. Have you downloaded our Guerilla blogging ebook yet ? If not try subscribing and reading it, I’m sure you will become more inspired once you read our ebook.
+nice one sir. exchange links naman po tayo.. thanks po
kira: Sure ! I usually do this via a three way link exchange. I will post a comment in your blog on how this works. Thanks for adding me up, I already added you up in my other blog.