8/8/08 is when it all happens. It is considered by many as the luckiest day of the year. That is why a lot of events are happening on this day.
The reason behind this is because the number 8 is considered to be a “lucky” number by the Chinese. It has been said that the Chinese are so fascinated with this number that you have to pay extra if you want it in your telephone number or your license plate.
There are a couple of reasons why the Chinese consider 8 as a lucky number. Consider the following reasons:
1.) Some people say the number 8 (ba) in China sounds like the word for “Prosperity” (fa)
2.) Other people say that it is considered lucky because when you write the number 8 most people tend to end writing it with their pen going for the an upper stroke unlike other numbers wherein you write it with a downward stroke.
3.) The number 8 has a perfect symmetrical shape. Perfect symmetry equals perfect balance which is very much valued in Chinese culture.
No offense to the Chinese but I am not a superstitious person. I do not believe in luck. I believe that God controls everything and that the future is in His hands. I do not see anything special with the number 8 nor do I see anything special with the day 8/8/08.
However, I cannot help but notice how the world has gone crazy over the number 8 and since this Friday is August 8, 2008. Most people have schedule important events in their lives on 8/8/08 since they consider this a very lucky day.
I’ve got an idea, why don’t we start an 8/8/08 happenings list. I’ll list events that I personally know will happen on 8/8/08. If you know of any other important event, Drop me a comment and I will include it here.
For bloggers, 8/8/08 is a high trend low density keyword. Let’s make a little SEO experiment with the 8/8/08 keyword. Give any important event to you that happens on 8/8/08 and blog about it, drop me a comment and I will include your link here. Start a similar list also by copying the list with the links below,
See you at the top of the SERP for the keyword 8/8/08. (By the way do we call this a keyword or a “key “number ? heehehehehe ? )
Here are the events that mean something to me that will be happening on 8/8/08:
1.) Beijing Olympics
2.) Lots of weddings and wedding favors (I personally know three, by the way Marghil Macuha of Macuha.com will tie the knot on 8/8/08)
3.) Grand draw of P.S Bank. (Hope I can win this one ! hehehehehe ? )
4.) BIR i-text ang resibo draw (Hope I win this one also ! hehehehehe ?)
5.) A very important day for me. I won’t tell you why ?
6.) What will happen on 8/8/08 – By zdiaz.com
7.) What I’m doing on this special day – 8/8/08 by 100k

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We went through this back in 1977 also. I was dating a gal who really wanted to get married on July 7, 1977, so it would be lucky .. 7/7/77. I guess it was lucky for me. We didn’t get married.
Kirk: Well for me it’s just another number and another day. However we are to be tahnkful to God for each new day he is giving us and will be givin us.
Kirk: By the way I like how you describe yourself in your “About me” page. hehehehe
I’m drafting my game plan of making money online. Your blog is one of my favorites in this niche. A lot for me to catch up. Good job and all the best!
100K: Your link is up at number 7, please include a link back to this blog post. Thanks