Statistics say that more than 2 out of 10 Filipinos are living abroad. An estimated Eleven Million of those are what we know as “OFWs” or Overseas Filipino Workers.
Every year, more and more Filipinos seek work abroad. They come from all walks of life and all kinds of professions, doctors, nurses, accountants, IT professionals, engineers & architects, entertainers, technicians, teachers, military servicemen, students, and domestic helpers, all working abroad in search for a better life for themselves and their families.
Overseas Filipino Workers are considered as the country’s new heroes, or “Bagong bayani” since they help build the Philippine economy. They sent more than $ 14 Billion dollars back to the Philippines for 2007 alone. As more Filipinos are leaving for abroad, this figure is expected to rise higher. The Philippines is the fourth largest recipient of foreign remittances (India being first followed by China and Mexico) Foreign remittances by OFW’s represents 13.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. So far this is the largest in proportion to the domestic economies of India, China and Mexico.
But let us not get carried away by the statistics and the economics. Let us not forget that each individual OFW have his or her own unique story to tell. These stories may help inspire the future generation of OFWs or may help change the policy of government in relation to OFWs.
For those of you in the Philippines who may be wondering what life may be like abroad for the typical OFW, you might want to check a blog called “OFW Abroad.” I came across this blog while doing my usual late night surfing.
OFW Abroad provides news, views and stories for the Overseas Filipino Worker. Important news and information from POEA, recruitment agencies. Information how to obtain employment abroad is also provided for Filipinos who wants to work abroad or who are already abroad. If you are an OFW, you might want to share news from where you are working or share your views on any issue that will help other OFWs or those who are still planning to work abroad. Visit the OFW abroad blog today !

You may also want to visit my other blogs. Click here to learn more about great travel ideas.
Here’s something I wasn’t aware of. I guess everyone is going to work to a better place even if that means leaving your home country. Nonetheless work is still work no matter where you perform it. But does this mean that 11 million Filipinos are taking 11 million jobs away from other people?